I'm a bit annoyed that between Bill Maher and MSNBC, I haven't had the opportunity to dig up my own clips as they keep pumping out the headline grabbers day after day.
Presumably this will eventually dry up a bit, but in the meantime, with apologies for you news hounds and Real Time fans who've seen it already, here's today's clip. I would guess that soon these clips will proliferate enough that different blogs can be posting different ones.
So why did monkeys stop evolving into humans? Perhaps they got bored of having to wear clothes and go to work, and decided to go back to the jungle. That's why so many humans today are choosing to go devolve back into monkeys. Don't let it stifle your musings that modern monkeys didn't exist back then either, and that modern monkeys as well as apes etc. have all continued to evolve from their ancient ancestors, as all animals and plants do.
One question for anyone who claims not to believe in evolution: are you going to forsake the latest antibiotics and depend only on penicillin when you get a dangerous infection? If you, like all true scientists, believe in antibiotic resistance, like they believe in global warming by the way, then you're darned tootin' you won't be taking penicillin, you'll be taking what works to save your life, because you know that disease organisms evolve and do so fast enough to require a constant stream of new antibiotics.
Now if you like me prefer naturopathy and to reserve the use of antibiotics for absolute emergencies, then you also believe in evolution because the overuse of antibiotics seems to be the main cause of antibiotic resistance.
And why do we take new antibiotics, or no antibiotics, rather than just using penicillin for everything? Because evolution is a fact.
And that's why monkeys quit evolving into people... oh wait, I just remembered something....
We share ancestry with apes, but we did not evolve from them, and monkeys are a different line altogether.
But what do you expect from someone who believes that witchcraft and satanism are the same thing?
Ye Ole Blogge wherein can be found the whacky words and dubious deeds of jolly anti-sex, anti-science, anti-condom, anti-intellectual antic extremist & professional candidate for cash... I mean for Delaware Senator, Christine O'Donnell

Yes, this is a political witch hunt, but this blog has no direct or indirect ties to, financial relationship with or communication with any electoral campaign. Beware the witch's hex!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Why did baby monkeys stop growing up to be humans? SCIENCE!
Friday, September 24, 2010
CTTW Rages against "slapping on a condom" & says "it's unrealistic to say teens will have sex."
Yes it's funny that she says she can stop everyone from having sex, but what's the really interesting thing about this clip?
I'd say it's her virulent opposition to birth control. She doesn't get a chance to finish her thoughts but comparing her sentence fragments here to other interviews it's clear she is trying to say that "the sad reality is" that condoms don't work.
Telling kids to "be abstinent" is in many cases futile, as it goes against millions of years of evolution (gasp, he said the E word!) but it's cute and goofy shenanigans compared to the insidious lie of telling kids that condoms won't protect them from disease or pregnancy. Sure, condoms are not 100% foolproof, neither are parachutes, immunizations, seat belts, lightning rods, back-up hard drives and brushing your teeth. Bad things can still happen to you if you take precautions, but for gosh sakes kids, TAKE THE PRECAUTIONS ANYWAY!
Condoms are 80-99% effective depending whether you are talking about disease prevention or birth control. Yes, that's not 100%, but Christine, that's no reason to forego protection. She thinks if she tells kids (which according to her includes "young women in their thirties") that condoms don't work, they will be too scared to have sex. Maybe if we tell them seatbelts don't work they will be too scared to drive, thus preventing the high rate of teen car accidents?
I think most of us would tell them "please consider not driving, but if you're going to drive please use a seatbelt, it could save your life." And likewise with condoms.
People are saying that the amazing thing about today's brief clip is that CTTW says "yes I will" when asked if she can stop America from having sex, or stop all teenagers from having sex, (there's a lot of crosstalk)
However, here at Witch-finder general headquarters, in our interrogation dungeon here in the Dark Ages, to paraphrase CTTW's presumable mentor Queen Victoria, we are not amazed. After all with her powers of witchcraft she could probably stop all America from having sex, all it takes is another "date on a Satanic altar..." with "a little bit of blood on there" and her evil sorcery will work it's wicked witchy ways, crushing our collective carnal cravings and allowing us all to "remain chaste" like her witchiness herself.
Instead, we believe the amazing thing about this clip is that she says "It's unrealistic to say that kids are going to have sex. They're not animals in heat!"
In what universe is it unrealistic to say that teenagers will have sex even if adults tell them not to?
I don't know, perhaps we should ask her fellow Tea Party shill and teen-abistinence advocate/ unwed teen mother Bristol Palin...
I'd say it's her virulent opposition to birth control. She doesn't get a chance to finish her thoughts but comparing her sentence fragments here to other interviews it's clear she is trying to say that "the sad reality is" that condoms don't work.
Telling kids to "be abstinent" is in many cases futile, as it goes against millions of years of evolution (gasp, he said the E word!) but it's cute and goofy shenanigans compared to the insidious lie of telling kids that condoms won't protect them from disease or pregnancy. Sure, condoms are not 100% foolproof, neither are parachutes, immunizations, seat belts, lightning rods, back-up hard drives and brushing your teeth. Bad things can still happen to you if you take precautions, but for gosh sakes kids, TAKE THE PRECAUTIONS ANYWAY!
Condoms are 80-99% effective depending whether you are talking about disease prevention or birth control. Yes, that's not 100%, but Christine, that's no reason to forego protection. She thinks if she tells kids (which according to her includes "young women in their thirties") that condoms don't work, they will be too scared to have sex. Maybe if we tell them seatbelts don't work they will be too scared to drive, thus preventing the high rate of teen car accidents?
I think most of us would tell them "please consider not driving, but if you're going to drive please use a seatbelt, it could save your life." And likewise with condoms.
People are saying that the amazing thing about today's brief clip is that CTTW says "yes I will" when asked if she can stop America from having sex, or stop all teenagers from having sex, (there's a lot of crosstalk)
However, here at Witch-finder general headquarters, in our interrogation dungeon here in the Dark Ages, to paraphrase CTTW's presumable mentor Queen Victoria, we are not amazed. After all with her powers of witchcraft she could probably stop all America from having sex, all it takes is another "date on a Satanic altar..." with "a little bit of blood on there" and her evil sorcery will work it's wicked witchy ways, crushing our collective carnal cravings and allowing us all to "remain chaste" like her witchiness herself.
Instead, we believe the amazing thing about this clip is that she says "It's unrealistic to say that kids are going to have sex. They're not animals in heat!"
In what universe is it unrealistic to say that teenagers will have sex even if adults tell them not to?
I don't know, perhaps we should ask her fellow Tea Party shill and teen-abistinence advocate/ unwed teen mother Bristol Palin...
Thursday, September 23, 2010
She may not have joined a coven, but she did steal money from her donors for personal funds!
Here we go! I promised it and here's just a taste, courtesy of the wonderful Brave New Films and their new site, InvestigateChristine.com
We don't know whether she was lying when she said she dabbled in the occult, and we think it's unlikely that all these dominionist evangelist hate-thy-neighbor-if-they're-different "Christians" are telling the truth when they claim to have worshipped Satan and performed witchcraft (two completely incompatible activities by the way)
Her campaign finances have been pretty occult, that's for sure.
And she seems to have been using a bit of that old black magic when it comes to paying her personal bills through the sorcery of bogus political campaigns.
Brilliant! Why didn't I think of this? No taxes, not having to do any real work, free money... all you have to do is spout whatever bullcrap comes off the top of your head as long as it's riddled with fearmongering, gay-bashing, woman-hating, and lurid stories of bloody ritual sacrifice... well that last one is a bit out of the mainstream, but...
Heeeeeeeere's a taste of the unfolding scandal... Watch this space for more as it unfolds like badly made origami in a rainstorm. (Aaaaargh, she's melting! Who would think that one so young could destroy all her beautiful wickedness? Ah what a world....)
We don't know whether she was lying when she said she dabbled in the occult, and we think it's unlikely that all these dominionist evangelist hate-thy-neighbor-if-they're-different "Christians" are telling the truth when they claim to have worshipped Satan and performed witchcraft (two completely incompatible activities by the way)
Her campaign finances have been pretty occult, that's for sure.
And she seems to have been using a bit of that old black magic when it comes to paying her personal bills through the sorcery of bogus political campaigns.
Brilliant! Why didn't I think of this? No taxes, not having to do any real work, free money... all you have to do is spout whatever bullcrap comes off the top of your head as long as it's riddled with fearmongering, gay-bashing, woman-hating, and lurid stories of bloody ritual sacrifice... well that last one is a bit out of the mainstream, but...
Heeeeeeeere's a taste of the unfolding scandal... Watch this space for more as it unfolds like badly made origami in a rainstorm. (Aaaaargh, she's melting! Who would think that one so young could destroy all her beautiful wickedness? Ah what a world....)
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Christine says she "respects" Hitler so much she would not have lied to him to save Jews.
Today for those who wondered about Bill's reference in yesterdays clip, here's a moral quandary turned on it's head as only the mad mad mad mad mind of CTTW can.
Christine explains that lying "disrespects the person you are lying to" and thus why her logically implied "respect" for Hitler would prevent her lying to him if she had Jews in the attic.
The shortest version I could find of this includes some shocked commentary by the terrific Cyeck Unger of The Young Turks. If you don't know his stuff you should.
The breaking story for the moment of course is Christine's creative accounting.
Apparently there's a reason she runs for office so often:
She needs the money to pay her rent.
Don't take my word for it, her former campaign manager has made a sworn statement.
Plenty more to come on her criminal activities including fraud and misuse of campaign funds.
Boy, isn't witch-hunting fun?
Until then, for those with time to watch here is the longer version of the Great Eddie Izzard flaying the witch in this classic witch trial... I mean debate.
Part 1 (Hitler is discussed towards the end)
Part 2, it really gets good here
Christine explains that lying "disrespects the person you are lying to" and thus why her logically implied "respect" for Hitler would prevent her lying to him if she had Jews in the attic.
The shortest version I could find of this includes some shocked commentary by the terrific Cyeck Unger of The Young Turks. If you don't know his stuff you should.
The breaking story for the moment of course is Christine's creative accounting.
Apparently there's a reason she runs for office so often:
She needs the money to pay her rent.
Don't take my word for it, her former campaign manager has made a sworn statement.
Plenty more to come on her criminal activities including fraud and misuse of campaign funds.
Boy, isn't witch-hunting fun?
Until then, for those with time to watch here is the longer version of the Great Eddie Izzard flaying the witch in this classic witch trial... I mean debate.
Part 1 (Hitler is discussed towards the end)
Part 2, it really gets good here
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Welcome to the Blogquisition!
Hi Friends and Neighbors!
I am Captain Tobias Slater, Witch Locator. AKA The Witchfinder General.
As your local official Witch Locator, I bid ye all a ye ole' welcome to the blogquisition, where we will together investigate the more suspect statements of jolly ultra-misogynistic and stunningly homophobic anti-sex extremist Christine O'Donnell, a self proclaimed dabbler in "witchcraft", and attender of dates on a "Satanic altar" though we doubt her dubious expertise in the subject and the even more dubious veracity of her claims.
The title of this ye ole' blog is derived from a tweet I twoted recently, I rushed it out as I wanted to be the first to make the obvious joke which two days later has been quoted by the Great Ed Shultz on his Ed Show on MSNBC today. Thanks Ed, keep the quotes coming, we appreciate the sincerest form of flattery.
In the near future we will look at her dubious campaign finance claims, and her dubious claims of having "won" elections but for tonight, we begin with the now legendary claim which (pun intended) launched a thousand chortles.
Thank you Bill Maher, keep them coming please.
Those who think this will discredit her with her puritanical evangelical base, don't be so sure. After all, much like the competition to tell the most extreme "hitting rock bottom" story at your local 12 Step recovery meeting, there seems to be, among the born again evangelicals, especially the far out dominionist types who have been lately a major "infestation" in the supposedly libertarian "Tea Party", a fierce competition to establish who has the most extreme pre-conversion sin. It's not possible that all these people have sacrificed babies on Satanic altars, but the stories you'll hear at your local right wing evangelical "church" will make your hair stand on end, if not from the gothic horrors they have all supposedly "dabbled in" then even more so at their astonishing willingness to proclaim a personal history that is clearly either a pack of lies or delusional hallucinations.
As the Wiccans point out, they don't believe that Satan exists, so they don't use Satanic altars. That's just for starters. Debunkers arise!
Please stay tuned, or rather, visit often as I will post more video evidence as it mounts!
I am Captain Tobias Slater, Witch Locator. AKA The Witchfinder General.
As your local official Witch Locator, I bid ye all a ye ole' welcome to the blogquisition, where we will together investigate the more suspect statements of jolly ultra-misogynistic and stunningly homophobic anti-sex extremist Christine O'Donnell, a self proclaimed dabbler in "witchcraft", and attender of dates on a "Satanic altar" though we doubt her dubious expertise in the subject and the even more dubious veracity of her claims.
The title of this ye ole' blog is derived from a tweet I twoted recently, I rushed it out as I wanted to be the first to make the obvious joke which two days later has been quoted by the Great Ed Shultz on his Ed Show on MSNBC today. Thanks Ed, keep the quotes coming, we appreciate the sincerest form of flattery.
In the near future we will look at her dubious campaign finance claims, and her dubious claims of having "won" elections but for tonight, we begin with the now legendary claim which (pun intended) launched a thousand chortles.
Thank you Bill Maher, keep them coming please.
Those who think this will discredit her with her puritanical evangelical base, don't be so sure. After all, much like the competition to tell the most extreme "hitting rock bottom" story at your local 12 Step recovery meeting, there seems to be, among the born again evangelicals, especially the far out dominionist types who have been lately a major "infestation" in the supposedly libertarian "Tea Party", a fierce competition to establish who has the most extreme pre-conversion sin. It's not possible that all these people have sacrificed babies on Satanic altars, but the stories you'll hear at your local right wing evangelical "church" will make your hair stand on end, if not from the gothic horrors they have all supposedly "dabbled in" then even more so at their astonishing willingness to proclaim a personal history that is clearly either a pack of lies or delusional hallucinations.
As the Wiccans point out, they don't believe that Satan exists, so they don't use Satanic altars. That's just for starters. Debunkers arise!
Please stay tuned, or rather, visit often as I will post more video evidence as it mounts!
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