My feelings are mixed. I would miss her, but I suspect she's with us to stay. Losing elections has never stopped her gravy train before, why should it now? Is that Fox news on the phone? A job? Well, I don't know, I've never had a real job before, can I charge everything to the corporate card and not have any responsibilities other than mouthing sugar coated bigotry and smiley faced cutest hate?
It's a deal!
In the meantime, the delusional behavior continues as she announces, "We have won!" at her concession speech and then in a classic revealing Christine moment she turns with relish to the buffet of fancy food which she did not have to pay for. And wasn't that what she was in this for all along?
"there's plenty of food, so let's party!" Ah yes. This is her modus operandi. She has won, because there's plenty of food and a good party, all at the expense of others. Booowaaahhaaahaha! The witch's spell has worked! She has triumphed! "We have won! Free Food! Let's Party!!!!!"