Anderson gets the story mostly right, but his one mistake is to say that she got "the technicality" right, in that the words "separation of church and state" do not appear in the constitution (neither do the words "Balance of powers" "primary elections" nor does the freedom of the press clause mention "the media" "TV" or "the internet", but we understand those ideas to be implied by the constitutions words and the courts have well established that, along with the separation of church and state implied by "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion... or the free exercise thereof" )
In fact if you watch the debate video (complete quote in a post below) you will see that at the very end of the "technicality" bit, Coons states that the clause reads "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" and hearing that, Christine the constitutional scholar says "You're telling me THAT"S in the first amendment?!" clearly showing she knows her right wing talking point but does NOT know the first amendment.
But after all who are we to question the wisdom of a constitutional scholar, especially one who is also a secret agent missionary spy with secret info on China's secret plans, an expert on evolution being a myth because monkeys are not "still evolving into humans", and of course, a Satanist Witch (even though that's a contradiction in terms)
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