Hello friends
Huffington Post is reporting that Christine has dropped two verbal bombshells yet again. You'll hear about the grim way she compared extension of the hard earned unemployment insurance benefits to workers who have paid into the mandatory insurance system and now are in great need in a holiday season when there are 5 job seekers for every 1 job available to the tragedies of Pearl Harbor and the untimely death of Elizabeth Edwards.
As bloodthristy as this merciless comparison is, as insulting to the memory of a woman who was a true friend to the working people, it is perhaps not as classically Christine as her hilarious dead-serious assertion that in her words "tragedies come in threes"
Either one must conclude that she is a believer in numerology, or one is led to suppose that if she had been elected she would have fought hard for the "Don't step on cracks, protect America's mothers from broken backs Act" and the she will denounce as futile any attempt to repeal the "Bad luck for Mirror-breakers act"
Christine's interest in numerology should be no surprise, it fits right in with her interest in witchcraft. To quote Wikipedia:
"Numerology is any of many systems, traditions or beliefs in a mystical or esoteric relationship between numbers and physical objects or living things."
"Today, numerology is often associated with the occult, alongside astrology and similar divinatory arts.[citation needed]
The term can also be used for those who place excess faith in numerical patterns, even if those people don't practice traditional numerology. For example, in his 1997 book Numerology: Or What Pythagoras Wrought, mathematician Underwood Dudley uses the term to discuss practitioners of the Elliott wave principle of stock market analysis." "
Most importantly, it is not for her or any politician to say whether or not unemployed people should get unemployment checks. These minuscule payments, calculated at a maximum of 60% of one's former income, are a right, not a privilege. Wage workers are forced by law have numerous taxes and fees deducted from their paychecks, not like the rich who get to pay at the end of the year based on a voluntary reporting of their own income. This particular fee goes to a program called Unemployment Insurance, because it is an insurance plan. Workers pay their fees each week and they are thus entitled to get the benefits they paid for if and when they need them.
No politician has a right to take that away from them, and to discuss ideas such as cutting them off to "force them to work" when there are no jobs, or making them "repay the loan" of their rightful insurance benefits is both inhumanly cruel and flagrantly dishonest or ignorant of what "unemployment checks" really are.
Christine The Teenage Witch
Ye Ole Blogge wherein can be found the whacky words and dubious deeds of jolly anti-sex, anti-science, anti-condom, anti-intellectual antic extremist & professional candidate for cash... I mean for Delaware Senator, Christine O'Donnell

Yes, this is a political witch hunt, but this blog has no direct or indirect ties to, financial relationship with or communication with any electoral campaign. Beware the witch's hex!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
How can we miss her when she won't go away? Christine announces "We have won!"
My feelings are mixed. I would miss her, but I suspect she's with us to stay. Losing elections has never stopped her gravy train before, why should it now? Is that Fox news on the phone? A job? Well, I don't know, I've never had a real job before, can I charge everything to the corporate card and not have any responsibilities other than mouthing sugar coated bigotry and smiley faced cutest hate?
It's a deal!
In the meantime, the delusional behavior continues as she announces, "We have won!" at her concession speech and then in a classic revealing Christine moment she turns with relish to the buffet of fancy food which she did not have to pay for. And wasn't that what she was in this for all along?
"there's plenty of food, so let's party!" Ah yes. This is her modus operandi. She has won, because there's plenty of food and a good party, all at the expense of others. Booowaaahhaaahaha! The witch's spell has worked! She has triumphed! "We have won! Free Food! Let's Party!!!!!"
It's a deal!
In the meantime, the delusional behavior continues as she announces, "We have won!" at her concession speech and then in a classic revealing Christine moment she turns with relish to the buffet of fancy food which she did not have to pay for. And wasn't that what she was in this for all along?
"there's plenty of food, so let's party!" Ah yes. This is her modus operandi. She has won, because there's plenty of food and a good party, all at the expense of others. Booowaaahhaaahaha! The witch's spell has worked! She has triumphed! "We have won! Free Food! Let's Party!!!!!"
Saturday, October 23, 2010
New ad is irresistibly funny.
I don't normally post very many campaign ads, but this race is irresistible.
It's sad to think it'll be over so soon, but I doubt the spooky kooky one will vanish for long....
It's sad to think it'll be over so soon, but I doubt the spooky kooky one will vanish for long....
Christine: Shocked that First Amendment includes "no law respecting an establishment of religion" says "We're all, like; what??!!"
I know, another Olberman story, and he's so subjective and opinionated!
Sorry, this was the only version of her "like what?" clip I could find.
He does go on a bit, regarding the entire tea party crowd.
Poor Christine still thinks she won the argument about the first amendment, ignorant of the details of her memorized right wing talking point that "the phrase" "Separation of Church and State" does not appear in the constitution, taking it further in the debate to snorting ridicule when Coons explained to her that the phrase "Congress shall pass no law respecting an establishment of religion" is in the first amendment. (Her response: "You're telling me THAT'S in the first amendment?!")
Sorry, this was the only version of her "like what?" clip I could find.
He does go on a bit, regarding the entire tea party crowd.
Poor Christine still thinks she won the argument about the first amendment, ignorant of the details of her memorized right wing talking point that "the phrase" "Separation of Church and State" does not appear in the constitution, taking it further in the debate to snorting ridicule when Coons explained to her that the phrase "Congress shall pass no law respecting an establishment of religion" is in the first amendment. (Her response: "You're telling me THAT'S in the first amendment?!")
Thursday, October 21, 2010
CNN's Anderson Cooper dissects Church and State, deflates her claims of being a "constitutional scholar"
Anderson gets the story mostly right, but his one mistake is to say that she got "the technicality" right, in that the words "separation of church and state" do not appear in the constitution (neither do the words "Balance of powers" "primary elections" nor does the freedom of the press clause mention "the media" "TV" or "the internet", but we understand those ideas to be implied by the constitutions words and the courts have well established that, along with the separation of church and state implied by "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion... or the free exercise thereof" )
In fact if you watch the debate video (complete quote in a post below) you will see that at the very end of the "technicality" bit, Coons states that the clause reads "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" and hearing that, Christine the constitutional scholar says "You're telling me THAT"S in the first amendment?!" clearly showing she knows her right wing talking point but does NOT know the first amendment.
But after all who are we to question the wisdom of a constitutional scholar, especially one who is also a secret agent missionary spy with secret info on China's secret plans, an expert on evolution being a myth because monkeys are not "still evolving into humans", and of course, a Satanist Witch (even though that's a contradiction in terms)
In fact if you watch the debate video (complete quote in a post below) you will see that at the very end of the "technicality" bit, Coons states that the clause reads "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" and hearing that, Christine the constitutional scholar says "You're telling me THAT"S in the first amendment?!" clearly showing she knows her right wing talking point but does NOT know the first amendment.
But after all who are we to question the wisdom of a constitutional scholar, especially one who is also a secret agent missionary spy with secret info on China's secret plans, an expert on evolution being a myth because monkeys are not "still evolving into humans", and of course, a Satanist Witch (even though that's a contradiction in terms)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
CTTW: "Where in the Constitution is the separation of church and state?"..."You're telling me that's in the first Amendment?!"
They say that in a fool's paradise, ignorance is blis.
Christine must be pretty blissed out then.
This takes the cake. She really doesn't know what's in the first amendment.
"Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion"
That may be a slight misquote on my part, because I cited it from memory!
Like every American should be able to.
Especially Senate candidates.
This is why she is so dangerous. She doesn't just make up her own science facts, and constantly make up new lies and fantasies about her supposed life experiences, she makes up her own idea of what the constitution says. These Tea Party Republican candidates say they are all about the constitution, and they are ready to strip our society of everything not explicitly mentioned in the document, like public schools, the minimum wage, desegregation, women's rights etcetera, but they don't even bother to read the first freaking Amendment for gosh sakes!!!!
Now don't let her campaign spin this after the fact, she is not making some "clever" tired old theocratic point about how the words "separation of church and state" do not appear in the constitution, just watch the last minute of this clip again. During one of the few moments in which CTTW is not blatantly interrupting and talking over him, he quotes the "establishment clause" as it's called, pretty much word for word and she says repeatedly "That's in the first Amendment? You're telling me that's in the first Amendment?!"
Don't let her compulsive lying deceive you, watch this clip over and over until you are sure. She clearly did not know about the establishment clause. She's so brainwashed by extremist right wing ideas about letting one kind of religion run our country that she hasn't bothered to read the darned constitution herself. This is why memorizing talking points hurt you when you don't get an education or do in depth research for yourself.
Christine must be pretty blissed out then.
This takes the cake. She really doesn't know what's in the first amendment.
"Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion"
That may be a slight misquote on my part, because I cited it from memory!
Like every American should be able to.
Especially Senate candidates.
This is why she is so dangerous. She doesn't just make up her own science facts, and constantly make up new lies and fantasies about her supposed life experiences, she makes up her own idea of what the constitution says. These Tea Party Republican candidates say they are all about the constitution, and they are ready to strip our society of everything not explicitly mentioned in the document, like public schools, the minimum wage, desegregation, women's rights etcetera, but they don't even bother to read the first freaking Amendment for gosh sakes!!!!
Now don't let her campaign spin this after the fact, she is not making some "clever" tired old theocratic point about how the words "separation of church and state" do not appear in the constitution, just watch the last minute of this clip again. During one of the few moments in which CTTW is not blatantly interrupting and talking over him, he quotes the "establishment clause" as it's called, pretty much word for word and she says repeatedly "That's in the first Amendment? You're telling me that's in the first Amendment?!"
Don't let her compulsive lying deceive you, watch this clip over and over until you are sure. She clearly did not know about the establishment clause. She's so brainwashed by extremist right wing ideas about letting one kind of religion run our country that she hasn't bothered to read the darned constitution herself. This is why memorizing talking points hurt you when you don't get an education or do in depth research for yourself.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Meghan McCain, the last moderate Republican calls CTTW "unqualified", "scary", "a joke"
Take note, McCain knows people on the inside of the right wing leadership in this country, and she says here that she is saying what everyone says in the back rooms. Another valid point is that the right is trying to "bully" McCain, and she is becoming a more and more cogent and important voice as she becomes more and more publicly disillusioned with the increasing extremism she is surrounded by.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
If you find Christine exasperating, you're in good company.
This week's Bill Maher CTTW montage needs no introduction and no comment. All I will say is that for those of us who find her words to be both hilarious and maddening, misery loves company!
Thanks Bill.
Oh dear, this video has been de-activated. I'm trying to find a new link, it'll be posted as soon as found. If you know of any working link to this funny montage, please comment here!
Thanks Bill.
Oh dear, this video has been de-activated. I'm trying to find a new link, it'll be posted as soon as found. If you know of any working link to this funny montage, please comment here!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Delaware Debate Highlights - "Oh Gosh, um..." don't ask me those fancy pants questions, I'm just a simple country Senate candidate! "What I believe is irrelevant"
The factually challenged Christine got a chance to show off her brain-smarts last night, and there's laughs aplenty for fans like us.
"Oh gosh... give me an example..."
You may have already seen the headline moment, when Christine couldn't name a single recent supreme court ruling that she disagrees with after she asserted that "activist judges" are generally causing havoc and wrecking everything. If she is so concerned with judicial overreach, should she not have an example? Should she not at least be able to name one?
She says the US "didn't finish the job" when we were "fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan".... and that "now we have a responsibility to finish the job." whatever that means. Defeating the Soviets? Killing every living thing in the country? What does she think "finishing the job" means?
Hmmmm.... well, what happened in Christine's imagination is pretty much the opposite of what really happened historically.
The Soviets pulled out in 1989, leaving our guys in charge. These US allies, "Freedom Fighters" (as Reagan called them) armed to the teeth with American weapons and money, did not disappear, nor were they defeated by the Soviet Union. Instead they stayed in charge, which was the US military objective under Reagan, and you might know them. At the time they were called "Mujahadeen" but you might know them better as "Al Quaida" or "The Taliban" both of which grew out of Reagan's "freedom fighters" movements, and today are fighting our soldiers over there with weapons supplied by our own government.
Another classic Christine whopper came in the midst of a confused and kooky tangent in which she continued to pursue her accusation that her opponent is a "Bearded Marxist". For one thing, Coons pointed out, he's "not now, nor have I ever been, anything but a clean-shaven capitalist!"
Apparently her argument is that he must be a Marxist because "when you look at his position on things like raising taxes, which is one of the tenets of Marxism, not supporting eliminating the death tax, which is a tenet of Marxism -- I would argue that there are more people who support my Catholic faith than his Marxist beliefs,"
Where to begin? Firstly, there are many Communist Catholics. I visited their large Catholic churches in Communist Cuba a few years back when Fidel Castro was still president. The worshippers I met there told me they love Cuba's communist system as it keeps them fed, housed, employed and medically cared for for life, and in todays modern world has long ago legalized their religious practices which despite being previously frowned upon are now officially considered a valued part of Cuba's cultural heritage.
Here in the USA you may be familiar with socialist and radically pacifist catholic groups that have been active and prominent for over a hundred years, such as the Catholic Worker, the Ploughshares movement, and many more.
Secondly, since when did "raising taxes" become "one of the tenets of Marxism"?!
I've read the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital, and no-where in either of his classic works does Marx say anything about raising taxes.
Actually Marx called for worker ownership and control of all resources and production facilities. In a Marxist society, all profits from large scale organized economic activity are shared by the workers and allocated by their Soviet committees... oh well, no point trying to explain economic theories to someone who chooses to be anti-intellectual and rejects book-learnin' in general.
And here's a doozy. We all know Christine says women and girls who have been victims of rape and incest should not be allowed to get an abortion but should be legally forced to give birth to their rapists baby, their fathers baby or whatever. Equal rights for sperm! Menstruation is murder... ok, she didn't say that, but logically her ideas are equivalent to those extreme caricature statements.
So she says it's a "scare tactic" to bring up rape and incest because they constitute (according to her) "one percent of all abortions performed in America." So rape victims rights are not important because they are in the minority? 25% of all American women are raped in their lifetimes. So 25% of women, Christine says you are a "scare tactic"
I'll leave you for a moment with a pretty good little CBS summary, including some great quotes from naked transparent lies and idiocy such as on China's secret invasion plans she said on TV she knew about "They misquoted me at the time I believe"... you misquoted yourself?!
And the simply brilliant "What I believe is irrelevant" (regarding her belief that evolution is a myth) She and many of her opponents agree that her more whacky beliefs and factually questionable statements are "irrelevant" but here at CTTW we beg to differ.
When someone is a US Senator, their beliefs, their intelligence, their education and their honesty or dishonesty are of the utmost importance to all of us.
We need to know what our leaders think and believe because they make our laws.
How is this irrelevant?
"Oh gosh... give me an example..."
You may have already seen the headline moment, when Christine couldn't name a single recent supreme court ruling that she disagrees with after she asserted that "activist judges" are generally causing havoc and wrecking everything. If she is so concerned with judicial overreach, should she not have an example? Should she not at least be able to name one?
She says the US "didn't finish the job" when we were "fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan".... and that "now we have a responsibility to finish the job." whatever that means. Defeating the Soviets? Killing every living thing in the country? What does she think "finishing the job" means?
Hmmmm.... well, what happened in Christine's imagination is pretty much the opposite of what really happened historically.
The Soviets pulled out in 1989, leaving our guys in charge. These US allies, "Freedom Fighters" (as Reagan called them) armed to the teeth with American weapons and money, did not disappear, nor were they defeated by the Soviet Union. Instead they stayed in charge, which was the US military objective under Reagan, and you might know them. At the time they were called "Mujahadeen" but you might know them better as "Al Quaida" or "The Taliban" both of which grew out of Reagan's "freedom fighters" movements, and today are fighting our soldiers over there with weapons supplied by our own government.
Another classic Christine whopper came in the midst of a confused and kooky tangent in which she continued to pursue her accusation that her opponent is a "Bearded Marxist". For one thing, Coons pointed out, he's "not now, nor have I ever been, anything but a clean-shaven capitalist!"
Apparently her argument is that he must be a Marxist because "when you look at his position on things like raising taxes, which is one of the tenets of Marxism, not supporting eliminating the death tax, which is a tenet of Marxism -- I would argue that there are more people who support my Catholic faith than his Marxist beliefs,"
Where to begin? Firstly, there are many Communist Catholics. I visited their large Catholic churches in Communist Cuba a few years back when Fidel Castro was still president. The worshippers I met there told me they love Cuba's communist system as it keeps them fed, housed, employed and medically cared for for life, and in todays modern world has long ago legalized their religious practices which despite being previously frowned upon are now officially considered a valued part of Cuba's cultural heritage.
Here in the USA you may be familiar with socialist and radically pacifist catholic groups that have been active and prominent for over a hundred years, such as the Catholic Worker, the Ploughshares movement, and many more.
Secondly, since when did "raising taxes" become "one of the tenets of Marxism"?!
I've read the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital, and no-where in either of his classic works does Marx say anything about raising taxes.
Actually Marx called for worker ownership and control of all resources and production facilities. In a Marxist society, all profits from large scale organized economic activity are shared by the workers and allocated by their Soviet committees... oh well, no point trying to explain economic theories to someone who chooses to be anti-intellectual and rejects book-learnin' in general.
And here's a doozy. We all know Christine says women and girls who have been victims of rape and incest should not be allowed to get an abortion but should be legally forced to give birth to their rapists baby, their fathers baby or whatever. Equal rights for sperm! Menstruation is murder... ok, she didn't say that, but logically her ideas are equivalent to those extreme caricature statements.
So she says it's a "scare tactic" to bring up rape and incest because they constitute (according to her) "one percent of all abortions performed in America." So rape victims rights are not important because they are in the minority? 25% of all American women are raped in their lifetimes. So 25% of women, Christine says you are a "scare tactic"
I'll leave you for a moment with a pretty good little CBS summary, including some great quotes from naked transparent lies and idiocy such as on China's secret invasion plans she said on TV she knew about "They misquoted me at the time I believe"... you misquoted yourself?!
And the simply brilliant "What I believe is irrelevant" (regarding her belief that evolution is a myth) She and many of her opponents agree that her more whacky beliefs and factually questionable statements are "irrelevant" but here at CTTW we beg to differ.
When someone is a US Senator, their beliefs, their intelligence, their education and their honesty or dishonesty are of the utmost importance to all of us.
We need to know what our leaders think and believe because they make our laws.
How is this irrelevant?
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Apple daily sums up CTTW's campaign in animated form... and hilarity ensues.
I swear on a stack of witches that I am going to get serious and do some straight faced reporting here soon, but I can't resist the manic jollity of the good people at Apple Daily, who's current events cartoons have been on fire lately! Enjoy as Keith Toblerone of MSNBC summarizes one and narrates the other part of their well targeted take on Christine's nutty ideas.
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