
Yes, this is a political witch hunt, but this blog has no direct or indirect ties to, financial relationship with or communication with any electoral campaign. Beware the witch's hex!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Welcome Ed Heads! Big Eddie exposes more madness and corruption

I want to send out a very special and heartfelt welcome and thank you to Big Ed Schultz and the whole Ed Head Family out there! You are making a difference people.

Ed's new show on MSNBC has brought out vital issues and voices that have never been heard or seen on national TV before, and America is a better place since he came on the air.

Here's a classic example, Ed's latest excellent report on CTTW and her ill ilk.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Here at the electronic political witch hunt that is CTTW, we love you Ed and all Ed Heads everywhere, keep spreading the truth and challenging the rich and powerful! And thanks for visiting CTTW, your one stop shop for the regressive and willfully ignorant ideas of an amusing but dangerous candidates for cash like Christine.

Christine sees things visible only to her: Hillary for president ads? Have you seen them? She says she has!

Oh Christine, one of your many magical charms is your bewitching ability to see and hear things that only you can see and hear. We've been told you heard "The audible word of God" during the campaign, now you tell us you can see into an occult world of invisible TV ads. As a professional witch-locator, I can tell you that none of this lends credence to a recent TV ad of your own, in which you claimed "I'm not a witch!" Well, we did do the nose... and the hat...

But only the sorceress herself can see the things she sees:

Thursday, October 7, 2010

CTTW says: Condoms cause AIDS, Cancer is an act of God, Sex-Ed is porn, people With AIDS are like bank robbers

Why on heaven or earth would anyone headline this clip with her claim that AIDS gets too much funding? True it's outrageous, inaccurate and offensive to say that, but talk about burying the lead! Condoms and talking about public health cause AIDS? "no behavior will make you contract cancer, it's just an act of God" and "The caller makes an excellent point" that people suffering with AIDS are like bank robbers who got shot robbing a bank are pretty darn shocking if you ask me.

And she always has so many great fun facts that nobody but her has ever heard of before. In this clip it's that AIDS funding is not being used for lifesaving drugs, that saying otherwise is causing AIDS to spread? She never quits. Gotta love the way she can say hateful, heartless, murderous things in a way that seems so childlike and innocent.

Monday, October 4, 2010

"I'm not a witch!" Christine claims in new ad. That's what they all say.

I can barely keep up. I still have a large backlog of her mania, but this was just too delicious of a morsel to resist.

It seems Christine has found a need to respond to our brave work exposing her witchiness.
Nice try, CTTW, you are only digging yourself in deeper. It's too late to take back your own confession on national television "Yes, I was a witch. I practiced witchcraft... I dabbled in witch craft, one of my first dates with a witch was on a satanic altar... there was a little bit of blood on there and everything.... I'm not making this stuff up"
Guilty as charged. At least according to her own words. Yet now she tries to reverse herself.

The funniest thing about this ad is the opening line. Watch it again and again, it gets funnier every time.

The scariest thing about this ad is the intended tag line. No, not "I am not a witch" but rather "I'm you" Don't let her cast her Satanic hex upon you, good people! She is not you!

You are yourself, likely a relatively sane and honest person. You are nothing like her.

I love it. Once again, CTTW is convicted by her own testimony. She claims "I'm not what you've heard" .... you mean you're not what we've heard from you? From the words emitted by your very own mouth? Everything bad we've heard about Christine, as evidenced in this very ye ole blogge, has come from her own public statements.

Nobody made you earn your living going on TV to promote yourself and your various devolutionary and seemingly delusional ideas.

Ah, Christine. Just try and deny that you're a witch. That's only going to convince more people of the truth, which as a witch locator, your humble blogger is beating the electronic pavement to make sure we know in advance.

So now she's not just a witch (or Satanist?), she's a secret agent spy leaking China's US invasion plans?!

This just in! Ap is reporting that CTTW's BS is more amazingly full of bull than we realized.
Will the hilarious lies ever end? Straight from 2006, she said she had secret info about China's US takeover plans, yet she leaked the info in the debate at the time.

So either she's lying again, or she's spilling state secrets in political debates.

Which is it Christine?